[-empyre-] translations

Thanks for calling my use of "we" out Diana -- i certainly didn't catch it. (original quote from me below)
"the audience is one predicated on a certain distance - a mediated distance - from the site of supposed contact. we can fall for the cybracero hoax because we're already so disconnected from the realities of food production (and by direct connection, the physical sites of production). but it reveals that distance (between audience and site/prodcution) once it's revealed as a hoax - which depends on the practice of a media bound by principles of fact checking and 'truth.'"
but i don't mean to imply that it's a "gimmick" in the pejorative, or that it's about being "taken in" per se. but i do think that the audience that is mostly targeted by Cybracero is a demographic distanced from industrial food production - which is neither wholly determined by nationality, ethnicity or class (though there are certain unarguable correlations, especially regarding the Cybracero work). just as the Yes Men's recycled hamburger hoax was not directed at their supposed "clients" - the recipients of US food aid - it was directed at business school college students.
of course, i'm following the path of least resistance and not critically engaging these practices from other subject positions. which is problematic, indeed. but i don't think it's excluding the possibility of other engagements even if it is short sighted and narrow as a reading.
and i find Danny's statement also compelling when considering inSite and discussions of class:
"So it is not supposing that the typically bourgeois new media curator can necessarily have a conversation with the typically working-class modified car enthusiast, but that by bringing the very different consciousnesses together the outline of the gaps between them can be traced, and the aesthetic question in this kind of "gap" is also, somehow, what contemporary art is all about."
but i also think the collapsing of "class" across other concerns may be a reductive flattening... not because class isn't a useful and necessary construct in understanding how the economy structures communities, but that those communities and their relationship to economics may shift in ways not theorized. the tracing of the outlines (figure/ground) is a nice visual...

On Sep 19, 2005, at 9:00 PM, empyre-request@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au wrote:

To jump over to a comment that I think Ryan posted about the Cybracero
work - it was something along the lines of "we can all be taken in by this
gimmick". This is something I'd take issue with, because I'm not at all
sure about the assumption behind that we. It sounded a bit like all work
on the net would be read from a white perspective - (please forgive me if
I'm reading this incorrectly) - in spite of the dominant demographics,
this excludes the possibility that that work could or would be accessed by
an audience that would have an entirely different reading of it.

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